داستان آبیدیک

anomalous scaling


1 مکانیک:: مقیاس‌گذاری نامتشابه

ects that produce anomalous scaling: that is, scaling laws whose exponents cannot be obtained by dimensional considerations. One of the successes of theoretical physics in the 1970s was the development of 1/N expansion methods to provide analytical tools to tackle nonperturbative problems with no other small parameter, such as anomalous scaling in critical phenomena and quark confinement in quantum chromo- dynamics. 33 As Kraichnan pointed out, the latter is not used in his argument, thus allowing, in present-day language, for anomalous scaling. cult is the issue of intermittency at inertial-range scales and the problem of anomalous scaling: that is, scaling for which the exponents cannot be obtained by a dimensional argument, as in K41. The story of the Kraichnan model and of the birth of the first ab initio deriva- tion of anomalous scaling is rather complex, spanning nearly three decades.

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